Wednesday, 21 April 2010

Party Time

I've already missed a day of my blog! Doesn't look promising, but I'll keep at it whenever I can. Tonight I hosted a party, mainly for my friend's 21st birthday but also for my handing in my final essay.

Funny thing happened: I was washing up a jug and found the bottom inside half was green, not your average spinach and broccoli green, this was fluorescent. I turned to my girlfriend (who cooks while I wash up) and caught her attention. Thinking ahead of what I was going to say and what tone. In all seriousness I said 'Why is this orange?'. So if any of these words I'm writing make absolutely no contextual sense whatsoever I apologise in advance. I think it's the sudden lack of work, although I do have exams soon, that is making my brain either shut down or say random words. Later today I have a job interview; just a little thing for my last 10 weeks of university... fingers crossed!