Monday, 19 April 2010

Photo finish

I did it! 2500 words in 6 hours, and I'm cheerfully impressed with the final product. I expect a decent grade but nothing shocking, after all I did write it after a long day of running around fields, flying kites, improvising a game of volley ball on a rugby pitch with a foam football... yes I had ages to write it but I enjoy being social, and if that means drinking beers and watching funny movies until 1am then I guess essays will just have to wait.

I jest. The essay was written three weeks ago but somewhere down the line got lost in my recycle bin, probably because I don't give my documents proper names when I write late at night. So last night I decided to give it some finishing touches (nice font, pages numbers...) and couldn't find it, hence a hectic night of furious writing and research.

What's next? An essay for Thursday in exam conditions on why Scotland can be considered a superpower before AD1100, and then exams. No! The War of the Roses kicks off next week, a very exciting event that deserves an article to itself... eventually.